Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kim - Day 6 & 7

Day 6, Saturday
goat milk yogurt with strawberries, sliced almonds & a drizzle of honey

rotisserie chicken & slaw

I messed up pretty bad tonight.  Went to the movie with David & Isaiah & ate popcorn.  The problem was going really hungry.  Popcorn was all I had for dinner.

Day 7, Sunday
goat milk yogurt with strawberries/almonds & drizzle of honey

grilled chicken salad at Chili's

Lentils in tomato sauce with ginger (from Trader Joes)

Again, I was very hungry & David ordered pizza for he, Isaiah, Hyatt, Heidi, Jon & Amber....
it was a little difficult.... tasted a little topping. : )))

Feeling good but I know that I am not getting enough sleep which causes me to want to eat more.   My plan is to start going to the Y with David in the mornings to work out, too.  

Oh yea & I am thankful for my precious friend, Heather who put this together & is accountable with me.  We will be happy about it when we see & feel the results! : )

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